Séminaire thématique “Les circulations techniques du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Acteurs – espaces – stratégies” – 24 novembre 2021

Moving Mind and Hand – Recruitment in Craft and Technology in 17th Brandenburg-Prussia

Sebastian Becker, enseignant chercheur à l’université de Mayence


In the 17th century, the economic value of craft knowledge was increasingly recognised at the European courts. A growing competition for the transfer of new technologies and technical-economic experts extended from alchemy and luxury goods to the raw material of pre-modern administration, paper. The circulation processes that emerged were highly complex. Starting with the question of who would be able to recognise the usefulness and quality of an invention or a specialist, the possibilities of adapting foreign technologies had to be examined and costs had to be calculated. The efforts to set up a paper mill in Brandenburg-Prussia based on the Dutch model in 1708 allow practices such as discourses on the circulation of technological knowledge to emerge as if in a focal glass.   

Sturm, Leonhard Christoph, Vollständige Mühlen Baukunst, Augsbourg 1718, illustration n° 22B, https://www.e-rara.ch/zut/doi/10.3931/e-rara-4700.


Sebastian Becker est enseignant-chercheur en Histoire moderne à l’université de Mayence. Ses projets de recherche en cours portent sur la circulation des savoirs techniques et économiques au sein du Saint-Empire entre XVIe et XVIIIe siècle. Outre l’histoire des savoirs et des techniques ainsi que l’histoire économique des Temps modernes, il s’intéresse aux transferts transalpins, aux dynasties italiennes, à l’histoire de la papauté, de Rome et des États de l’Église.

Date et lieu

24 novembre 2021
17:00 – 19:00

Salle des colloques
Université de Haute-Alsace, Campus Fonderie
16 rue de la Fonderie
68100 Mulhouse

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