Séminaire « Pour une histoire transnationale et comparée des installations et des essais nucléaires » – 18 février 2021

The Swedish Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons During the Cold War

Thomas Jonter, professeur de relations internationales, Stockholm University


Sweden is an interesting case in the international history of the NPT. Starting off as a nuclear aspirant in the 1950’s, Sweden eventually changed its course, abandoned the nuclear option and rose to become one of the most recognized players in the international game of disarmament. After the signing of the NPT in 1968 and the ratification of it in 1970, Sweden became an engaged voice in the disarmament and non-proliferation negotiations all through the cold war period. This presentation recounts, in broad terms, the history of nuclear weapons plans in Sweden during the period 1945–1968. By the end of this period, Sweden had in place a nuclear program capable of producing nuclear weapons within a few years. But for a combination of reasons — among them a rising public opposition to nuclear weapons, a tension between civilian nuclear power goals and the goal of maintaining freedom of action with respect to nuclear weapons, the US policy to discourage the Swedes from building the bomb, and a strengthening of international non-proliferation norms.

Thomas Jonter

Thomas Jonter is Professor of International Relations at Stockholm University. His research focuses on disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation. He has been visiting scholar Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Stanford University, and Cornell University. Professor Jonter is also chair of Swedish Pugwash and served as advisor to the Swedish delegation to the 2015 Review Conference to the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, at the United Nations in New York. He is also member of the Swedish International Law and Disarmament Delegation. In his book The Key to Nuclear Restraint (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), the Swedish Nuclear Weapons plans during the Cold War are analyzed based on a rich primary source material.

Thomas Jonter est professeur de Relations internationales à l’Université de Stockholm. Ses recherches portent sur le désarmement et la non-prolifération nucléaire. Il a été chercheur invité à l’Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (SIPRI), à l’Université de Stanford et à l’Université de Cornwell. Le professeur Jonter est également président du Pugwash suédois et a été conseiller auprès de la délégation suédoise à la Conférence d’examen du Traité sur la non-prolifération des armes nucléaires de 2015, aux Nations Unies à New York. Il est également membre de la délégation suédoise pour le droit international et le désarmement. Dans son livre The Key to Nuclear Restraint (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), les projets d’armement nucléaire suédois pendant la Guerre Froide sont analysés à partir de sources riches et nombreuses.

Date de lieu

18 février 2021
18:00 – 20:00 (heure de Paris)

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Mot de passe : nucleaire-032021

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